Many men and some women have to deal with ingrowing hair literally every week. The problem can have a great negative impact on the overall condition of the skin, on the looks and on the self-confidence. Complications such as acute inflammation can also occur. That is why the issue must be addressed timely and resolved fully with appropriate treatment. Find out what you have to do to get rid of this problem.
Complete Treatment
In most cases, the ingrowing hairs find their way to the surface of the skin without any special treatment. You simply need to keep your daily face washing and showering routine. The dead skin cells which block the way of the hair will go away and it will come out. The natural resolution to the problem typically takes a day or two.
If the problem persists after a few days and the bump is getting bigger, you should visit the office of a dermatologist to receive medical treatment. The doctor will use a needle or make a small cut with a scalpel to take the hair out. The treatment is perfectly safe and does not cause pain or serious discomfort. The risk of scarring is extremely low.
In case the skin is inflamed, the doctor will prescribe topical antibiotic treatment. When the inflammation is severe, oral antibiotic may have to be taken for dealing with the problem completely. If the area is painful, topical steroid medication can be prescribed for quick and effective relief.
Effective Prevention
You need to take special measures in order to get rid of ingrowing hair for good. The first step involves the use of a more effective and safer method for hair shaving or removal. If you shave, you should use razor technology which first picks the hairs up and then does the cutting. You must avoid shaving too close to the skin. After you are done, you should apply an appropriate product for soothing the skin and for keeping the pores open. If you wax, you should consider laser hair removal instead. With this procedure, the hairs are removed at a deeper level of the follicles and this slows down their regrowth and reduces the risk of ingrowing.
Frequent cleaning of the skin with a scrub is equally important as it works to remove the dead skin cells which block the hairs’ way out. You have to use a product which is suitable for your skin type and does not cause irritation. The optimal frequency depends on the severity of the problem and the condition of the skin. Sometimes, weekly cleaning with a scrub is sufficient while in other cases it has to be done every day.
It is best if skin cleaning is combined with the use of a retinoid-based cream. The cream provides for even more effective exfoliation. It reduces the risk of hyperpigmentation as well. It helps to keep the skin clear and smooth. You should ask your dermatologist to recommend a cream which is highly effective for preventing ingrowing hair yet fairly gentle to the skin.
With the right treatment and care, you will never have to worry about ingrowing hair again.
You want to receive only the best treatment for your skin. Ideally, it would be non-invasive and produce good results fairly quickly. Could carboxytherapy be the right treatment for you? This treatment has become extremely popular in modern beauty salons across the globe. Find out everything which you need to know about it to make a decision.
The Treatment
Carboxytherapy involves the injection of small amounts of carbon dioxide right under the topmost layer of the skin. This gas is naturally present in the body. It is a waste product of the metabolic processes in it. We take it out of our system every time we exhale. Since the injected carbon dioxide is treated as waste product by the body, the oxygen supply to the treated area is increased. The red blood cells deliver more oxygen and pick up the present carbon dioxide which is then processed by the lungs and breathed out.
The increased oxygen supply to the treated skin area nurtures the cells. It stimulates the natural processes in the skin including healing, circulation and collagen production. Given this, the therapy with carbon dioxide has a wide variety of applications. It is used for the treatment of dark circles around the eyes and for scar healing. It is also utilized for the reduction of stretch marks and cellulite. Another one of its applications is body sculpting.
Effectiveness and Safety
It is common to see improvement after the first session of carboxytherapy. The darker skin around the eyes gets lighter and lighter until it regains its natural tan color back. The scarred skin becomes smoother, softer and plumper. Stretch marks are reduced and the smoothness of the skin is restored. The skin affected by cellulite becomes tighter as well as smoother. When it comes to body sculpting, the fat deposits, which appear as bulges, are reduced over time and the silhouette is leaner yet attractively curvaceous.
In order for the best possible results to be achieved, a number of treatment sessions will be required. In most cases, therapists recommend that ten sessions are done, but this is generally strictly individual and depends on a variety of factors such as the severity of the problem, the age of the patient and her overall health condition. It is important to note that it is up to the patient to make effort to retain the achieved results. In order for your skin to remain cellulite-free for instance, you will need to do exercise, drink plenty of water and provide messages and exfoliation. Similarly, in order to keep the eye contour healthy, you should wear sunglasses and get sufficient rest.
As a non-invasive procedure, carboxytherapy has a high level of safety. It is not known to have any serious side effects which may have adverse impact on the overall health of the patient. Some discomfort may be felt during the injection. Bruising may also occur, but this is generally rare since the procedure is performed by a trained therapist. After the treatment session, you can go on with your daily life. No special care is required.
Use the information provided here to decide if carboxytherapy is the right treatment for your skin problems.
Statistics show that one in every five people suffers from a certain type of allergy. These conditions can affect people of any age and cause a variety of symptoms ranging from runny nose to anaphylactic shock, which can be life threatening. When the process and its trigger or triggers are well understood, effective treatment can be applied. Even though allergies cannot be cured, they can be managed with the right kind of therapy. Find out more about their nature and causes.
The Allergic Reaction
An allergic reaction occurs when the sufferer is exposed to the respective allergen. The allergen is a substance which is perfectly harmless to most people. However, it is dangerous for the sufferer because his immune system reacts differently to it.
When the body of the sufferer gets into contact with the allergen either through inhalation, touch, ingestion or a sting or bite, the immune system treats the substance as a pathogen. Basically, it recognizes it as something which is dangerous for the body. As a result, it produces antibodies which work to destroy this potential threat.
The reaction of the immune system is characterized by the release of chemicals such as histamine. They cause inflammation and swelling of the organs and tissues which have got into contact with the allergen. The most commonly affected parts of the body include the skin, the lining of the nose, the sinuses, the airways, the eyes and the digestive tract. The symptoms range from congested and runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, cough and rash to swelling of the face, the eyelids and the throat. If the symptoms are severe, medical care must be sought right away.
The Main Causes
There are various types of allergies depending on the allergens which cause them. The airborne allergies are among the most common. They are caused by tiny particles or microorganisms carried in the air and found on various surfaces such as pollen, dust mites and mold. The pet allergies also fall into this category as they are triggered by the dander of the animals.
The insect allergies are among the most serious. They are caused by the chemical compounds which are transferred from the insect to the skin through a sting or bite. While most bites can cause only minor skin redness and irritation, a was or bee sting may trigger face and throat swelling and lead to suffocation.
The food allergies are becoming more and more common. They can be caused by a wide variety of foods from peanuts to shrimp. Some medications such as penicillin can also trigger allergic reactions. In rare cases, chemicals, which are found in products for skin and hair treatment, and some materials like latex can also cause allergies.
It is still not know why some people have allergic reaction to substances which are generally safe for everyone else. This is the main reason why there is still no cure for allergies. However, this does not mean that sufferers cannot take measures to deal with the problem. The most effective method for prevention is for the respective allergen to be avoided.
Over the past decades, the number of skin cancer cases has grown dramatically. In many countries, this is the most common type of cancer. The main cause of this condition is frequent exposure to the sun. Find out how the process works.
UV Damage to Skin Cells
The sun produces ultraviolet radiation which reaches out planet. The most harmful rays of radiation are blocked by the atmosphere and the sunlight which reaches through it is crucial for the life on this planet. Generally, it is good for the health to soak up some sun. However, when you get too much of it, this can be quite dangerous.
In case of frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, the UV rays can cause damage to the skin cells. More specifically, the UV radiation damages the cells’ DNA. This is how healthy cells are transformed into cancer cells. The cancer cells multiply and form a malignant tumor. If the tumor is not treated timely, skin cancer can spread to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system.
It is important to note that manmade sources of UV radiation can also cause damage to cellular DNA and consequently skin cancer. The list includes tanning beds and certain types of professional equipment. While professionals wear protective gear to shield themselves from UV radiation, it is a personal choice to stay away from tanning beds for the purpose of protecting your health.
Sun Exposure and the Types of Skin Cancer
Recent research studies have found that different types of UV damage are responsible for the different types of skin cancer. Regular exposure to the sun over a long period of time leads to cumulative damage to the cells. The cumulative damage causes basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. These types of skin tumors typically appear on the parts of the body which are directly exposed to the sun and get the most UV light such as the face. People who work outside and professional and amateur athletes who train outdoors are at higher risk of developing these types of skin cancer. The people who love sunbathing and do it regularly fall into this category as well.
Melanoma, which is the deadliest type of skin cancer, is more likely to be caused by severe sunburns incurred at a young age rather than by exposure to the sun on a regular basis over a years and decades. Researchers have discovered that the sunburns suffered during childhood and adolescence put people at greater risk of melanoma. The malignant melanoma growths can appear on any part of the skin including the inner thighs and the pubic area which normally do not get directly exposed to sunlight.
It is important to take all possible steps for lowering your risk of skin cancer. These include staying in the shade during the hours of the day with most intensive sunlight and applying sunscreen on all exposed parts of the skin when going outside. You should wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses for complete protection. Regular skin exams are also among the main preventive measures.
The purpose of an organic cleanse is to help the body to get rid of all the toxins and impurities which clog it. It is true that there are natural bodily functions which are responsible for this, but their effectiveness can be adversely effected by lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of proper rest and high stress levels. That is why many women choose to go for cleansing. It has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body including the skin. It rejuvenates the body and slows down the aging process. In order to get top results, you need to select the right cleanse.
Comparing Cleanse Options
There are two main types of cleanses that you need to consider. The first one is colon cleansing. It typically involves drinking special teas and taking supplements. In some cases, the teas are replaced with enemas. This treatment can produce good results, but it puts a considerable amount of stress on the body.
The more popular option as present is the use of cleanses which are based on fruits, vegetables and small amounts of dietary fiber. These come in the form of juices which you get to drink every day. The juices are made from organic ingredients only. They must not contain any additives or preservatives.
There are different levels of cleansing which you can choose from with the juices. The highest level involves drinking only the juice and water without consuming any other food. This regimen is typically kept for five to ten days. The intermediate level, which is preferred by most people, includes the consumption or raw fruit and vegetables as well. The basic level is about quitting one or more types of foods which are not healthy for the set period of time, eating more fruit and vegetables and drinking the juice. You can readily remove processed foods, meat, sugary foods or dairy products from your diet or all of them together.
Making the Best Choice
Since juices are the more effective organic cleanses, you should focus extensively on them. You have to select the product which is ideal for you. You must confirm that all ingredients are organic. The use of organic ingredients must be properly certified. You should look into the beneficial compounds present in the juice. These must include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. The latter is really important for regulating the processes in the body and for cleansing the gastrointestinal system. It can help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
You have to check how the beneficial compounds which come from the fruit, vegetables and other ingredients are preserved. Pay close attention to the processing of the ingredients. It is best if the pulp goes into the bottles as well since it is extremely rich in nutrients. Make sure that you know how long you can keep the juices for in the fridge.
Finally, once you select the right organic cleanse product, you should prepare a program which to follow. It must be based on your level of experience in cleansing, on your overall health condition and on your goals.
In case the body grows faster than the skin can tolerate, the fibers in its middle layer, the dermis, break. This is how stretch marks appear. They are typically long and thin and their color ranges from white, light pink and silver to purple and blue. The main causes of this dermatological problem are body weight increase during pregnancy, body building and adolescence. The big question is how to get rid of these imperfections. Decide on the best treatment for stretch marks after considering the different methods used at present.
The Main Options
The homemade treatments for stretch marks enjoy great popularity because they are simple and cheap to make and easy to use. Whether you use olive oil, lemon juice or some mixture of ingredients, you can expect some improvements but not complete removal of the skin imperfections.
While there are various over-the-counter creams, gels and lotions, you should focus on the ones with ingredients which have been extensively tested and proven to improve the skin. The products which contain hyaluronic acid can provide major improvement to the smoothness and plumpness of the affected skin areas. This is because this active ingredient works effectively to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
The topical treatments based on retinoid can also produce very good results. They not only stimulate collagen growth, but also cell turnover. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, softer and tighter fairly quickly.
The laser treatments for stretch mark removal are becoming more widely used. The laser works to break the existing bonds in the skin and to stimulate the growth of new and healthy layers at the same time. The treatment is highly effective and typically produces great results. The number of sessions depends on the size, age and depth of the marks.
Chemical peels and dermabrasion are also used for removing stretch marks. They both work to remove the topmost layer of the skin so that a new healthier, stronger and smoother layer can grow in its place. Dermabrasion is gentler compared to chemical peels. Both produce satisfactory results.
For stretch marks in the abdominal area, abdominoplasty can help. This is a surgical procedure which is designed to make this part of the body thinner, firmer and smoother. The comprehensive results are usually quite good, but another pregnancy or weight gain will reduce them considerably.
Making a Choice
It is up to you to pick the best treatment for stretch marks in your particular situation. You should consider the overall condition and health of your skin. You should also have an idea of how sensitive it is especially to chemicals and laser treatment. You have to consider your budget as well. The cost of the treatment is an important factor which should not be underestimated.
Finally, in order for the stretch mark treatment to produce the best possible results, you have to start it as early as possible. This is because older stretch marks are more difficult to reduce and to get rid of. Similarly, even though things such as exercise, healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are not therapies, they will contribute immensely to the effectiveness of the chosen treatment.
It is easy to be healthy and fit and to look beautiful when you exercise regularly. The workouts are great not only for toning your muscles, but for improving blood circulation and for natural skin purification. Check out the best exercises for achieving your goals.
1. Jogging
This is a simple and highly effective exercise. It improves the circulation in the body and this automatically gives you natural radiance. It is great for toning all muscles and for purifying the skin naturally. At the same time, it is not physically demanding at all.
2. Hula Hoop Twirling
This exercise will give you flatter tummy, sexier butt and toned arms. Hula hoop twirling is easy to learn. You can do it at home without spending a fortune on equipment. The really great thing is that it is lots of fun too.
3. Hip Raise
This exercise involves lying on your floor with bent knees and lifting your hips up while keeping your rear tight. It is great for the butt, the back and the abdomen as well. It will give you the perfect shape without much effort.
4. Boxing Punches
You simply need to stand up straight, relax your upper body and make punches. Keep your elbows straight and you will get perfectly toned arms without any kinds of specific equipment. If you want to try boxing, you can readily do it as it is a great sport for toning your entire body.
5. Bicycle Exercise
You need to lie down, bend your knees so that your calves are parallel to the ground and start moving your legs back and forth as if you are riding a bike. This simple exercise which does not involve any kind of equipment apart from a mat will give you tones abs, legs and butt.
6. Hiking
In addition to giving you a good workout, this activity will enable you to breathe clean air and relax amidst the beautiful nature. When there is more oxygen in your body and no elevated levels of the stress hormones, you will get to feel a lot better and your skin will get natural plumpness and glow.
7. Overhead Squats
This is an effective way for getting toned legs, abs and back. You need to stand up straight and raise your arms. You can hold a towel for balance. Then you need to squat as further down as you can while ensuring that your knees do not go beyond the toes.
8. Yoga
You will get to stretch every muscle in your body and to improve your strength and flexibility. Yoga is amazing for fighting back problems and stress, anxiety and depression as well. Besides, there are special exercises for beautiful face.
9. Mountain Climber
You need to get into the position for doing planks and move one of your leg towards the chest and get it back into the starting position slowly. Then you need to do this with your other leg and so on. This exercise is great for toning all muscles of the upper body.
10. Dancing
This is a great way to get moving and to exercise not only your muscles, but your coordination as well. The music makes the workout a lot more pleasant. In general, dancing is great for both the body and mind.
Start exercising today!
Every person is worried about wrinkles because they are the most visible signs of aging. The good news is that they can be effectively prevented with the right measures. There is no need to invest a small fortune in magical cosmetic treatments. There are holistic techniques for wrinkle prevention which work exceptionally well. Check out the best ones.
1. Sun Protection
The UV rays of the sun are the main cause of damage to the skin cells. This damage naturally leads to the speeding up of the wrinkle formation process. Wrinkles not only appear earlier. They are loner and deeper as well. At the same time, sun protection is easier than most people think.
You should always apply moisturizing sunscreen with SPF of at least 30 on your face before you go out during the day. It is best to use a natural product based on zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. You should also seek the shade between ten in the morning and five in the afternoon. If you are exposed to the sun during this time, need to wear protective clothing, sunglasses and wide-brim hat. It is equally important to reapply sunscreen every hour.
2. Effective Hydration
It is true that water is a source of life. When the body is properly hydrated, waste is released effectively and the skin remains clear and pimple-free. Furthermore, when the skin is properly hydrated, the production of collagen and elastin is optimal. The result is firmness, plumpness and radiance. In order to keep your skin hydrated, you should drink eight glasses of water every day. You should also apply moisturizer on your face in the morning and possibly in the evening unless you use another type of anti-wrinkle treatment.
3. Proper Nutrition
You have to include foods which are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals in your diet to fight all signs of aging and not only wrinkles. The most potent antioxidants which you need from food include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, carotenoids and flavanoids. In general, if you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fatty fish, you can expect to nurture your body and your skin properly.
4. Rest and Relaxation
When you are tired and stressed out, your body produces hormones which cause inflammation and speed up the aging process. That is why in order to prevent wrinkles, you should get enough rest. You should try to get eight hours of sleep every night. You should also devote enough time to exercise and other fun and relaxing activities from massage and spa treatments to meetings with friends and your favorite hobby.
5. Emotional Health Maintenance
The way in which you feel inside is reflected on the outside. It has been clinically proven that people who suffer from anxiety and depression have more quickly aging skin. That is why it makes sense to use various effective techniques for keeping calm and staying in good mood. These range from meditation to playing games.
Use all of these holistic techniques to prevent wrinkles and slow down aging in general. They work effectively and safely.
Clinical studies have proven that the foods which we eat have a major impact on skin health and looks. It is true that there are other factors which play a role including environmental factors, hormones and genetics. Still, these are much more difficult to control than your diet. You decide what to eat and what to avoid. When you stay away from the foods which are bad for your skin, you will see considerable improvement in its condition. Find out what these are.
Foods with Simple Carbs
The simple carbohydrates and sugar, in particular, are bad for the skin. This is because the higher level of glucose in the blood has an averse impact on collagen and elastin. These proteins are essential for keeping the skin elastic and firm. When they are not in sufficiently high levels, sagginess, fine lines and wrinkles appear.
Given all this, it is important to stay away from all foods which are rich in simple carbs from rice and potatoes to white bread. The sugary foods undoubtedly present the most serious threat to healthy looking skin. You should try to avoid not only candy, cakes and chocolate, but all foods and drinks which claim to be healthy but actually contain sugar. These include processed juices, sweetened smoothies and grain bars.
Foods with Fat, Additives and Preservatives
The foods which are rich in fat and contain considerable amounts of additives and preservatives can have a major negative impact on skin health. These compounds can seriously mess with hormone production in the body, especially when they are accumulated in large amounts. In this way, they can boost the production of oil in the skin and lead to a wide variety of problems. These include all forms of acne from blackheads and whiteheads to cysts. The cysts are particularly serious. They can remain on the face for weeks and be quite painful.
You are most certainly familiar with the foods which contain additives and preservatives. These include all processed foods from potato chips to salami and chocolate bars. You should avoid processed drinks from juices to soda as well. The fat-rich foods that you need to stay away from include red meat and all fried dishes from French fries to chicken wings.
Milk and Margarine
Due to the fact that it is rich in hormones, milk can cause skin inflammation and stimulate the production of excess oil. That is why you should reduce its consumption. Still, you can have small amounts of low-fat dairy products which are rich in probiotics. The good bacteria actually help to improve the condition of the skin.
The fat in margarine is not healthy. In fact, it may speed up the process of aging and contribute to the wrinkling of the face. You should try to reduce the consumption of this product as much as possible in order to keep your skin soft, smooth and plump.
The foods which you should include in your diet to improve skin health are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish. The first two categories are extremely important for getting the best results.
The popularity of cosmetic masks as skin treatments has grown immensely in recent years. There are specially formulated products for home use which can be purchased directly from stores. There are also special mask treatments done at beauty salons and spas. The homemade treatments are still widely used primarily because they are easy and inexpensive to make and allow you to get creative. In any of these cases, you can expect to enjoy excellent beauty result as long as the ingredients are effective and the treatment is done correctly. Discover what improvements you will enjoy with the main types of masks.
Purifying Masks
These treatments are typically based on clay while special salts are following close behind. The job of these masks is to absorb impurities from the skin. In this way, the pores are freed from sebum, dirt and bacteria. The oil is not the only thing which goes away. The layer of dead skin cells is effectively removed and the healthy, plump and smooth skin from underneath becomes clearly visible. Thanks to their exfoliating properties, the purifying masks can also help to reduce small imperfections such as fine lines, sun spots and aging spots.
These cosmetic masks are highly effective for the treatment and prevention of acne. There are also specially formulated ones which can help patients with rosacea to get considerable improvement. In general, the people with oily skin and those who wear heavy makeup on a daily basis will benefit greatly from these purifying cosmetic treatments.
Hydrating Masks
These are light cosmetic masks which are typically in gel or cream form. They should be applied after thorough cleaning of the face and preferably after a bath when the pores are open. In this way, the skin can absorb the hydrating and nourishing ingredients more effectively. When the skin in properly hydrated and nurtured, all the process in it are stimulated. This includes the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin is plumper, softer and more radiant.
The hydrating masks are great for all skin types without exception. They are effective for fighting the signs of fatigue and daily stress. They help to reduce the signs of aging as well.
Antiaging Masks
These are specially formulated masks which are designed to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and aging spots and to make the skin plumper, smoother and more elastic at the same time. They are designed to provide gentle and superficial skin resurfacing and to stimulate collage and elastin production. They produce very good results when they are used on a regular basis. There are products for home use which can be applied as frequently as every other night. These masks are suitable for everyone who wants to look younger regardless of their age.
Last, but not least, you should know that even though the cosmetic masks offer a variety of great benefits, there is no such thing as one size fits all. Before you opt for such a treatment, you have to confirm that it is suitable for your skin type and that you are not sensitive to the ingredients. Then you can readily enjoy the beautifying results which it will give you.