What Foods to Avoid in Your Diet to Improve Skin Health?

Clinical studies have proven that the foods which we eat have a major impact on skin health and looks. It is true that there are other factors which play a role including environmental factors, hormones and genetics. Still, these are much more difficult to control than your diet. You decide what to eat and what to avoid. When you stay away from the foods which are bad for your skin, you will see considerable improvement in its condition. Find out what these are.
Foods with Simple Carbs
The simple carbohydrates and sugar, in particular, are bad for the skin. This is because the higher level of glucose in the blood has an averse impact on collagen and elastin. These proteins are essential for keeping the skin elastic and firm. When they are not in sufficiently high levels, sagginess, fine lines and wrinkles appear.
Given all this, it is important to stay away from all foods which are rich in simple carbs from rice and potatoes to white bread. The sugary foods undoubtedly present the most serious threat to healthy looking skin. You should try to avoid not only candy, cakes and chocolate, but all foods and drinks which claim to be healthy but actually contain sugar. These include processed juices, sweetened smoothies and grain bars.
Foods with Fat, Additives and Preservatives
The foods which are rich in fat and contain considerable amounts of additives and preservatives can have a major negative impact on skin health. These compounds can seriously mess with hormone production in the body, especially when they are accumulated in large amounts. In this way, they can boost the production of oil in the skin and lead to a wide variety of problems. These include all forms of acne from blackheads and whiteheads to cysts. The cysts are particularly serious. They can remain on the face for weeks and be quite painful.
You are most certainly familiar with the foods which contain additives and preservatives. These include all processed foods from potato chips to salami and chocolate bars. You should avoid processed drinks from juices to soda as well. The fat-rich foods that you need to stay away from include red meat and all fried dishes from French fries to chicken wings.
Milk and Margarine
Due to the fact that it is rich in hormones, milk can cause skin inflammation and stimulate the production of excess oil. That is why you should reduce its consumption. Still, you can have small amounts of low-fat dairy products which are rich in probiotics. The good bacteria actually help to improve the condition of the skin.
The fat in margarine is not healthy. In fact, it may speed up the process of aging and contribute to the wrinkling of the face. You should try to reduce the consumption of this product as much as possible in order to keep your skin soft, smooth and plump.
The foods which you should include in your diet to improve skin health are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish. The first two categories are extremely important for getting the best results.


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