Anything associated with the human body has a direct link with the sort of diet that one takes. There is a reason that food is said to be the fuel for the human body. Just like the performance of a car’s engine that is dependent on the quality of oil that is put in it, the health and performance of the human body depends on the kind of food that is put in it.
With the passage of time and all the rush of life, people have turned towards easy compared to the quality of the food. This increase in the consumption of junk food has resulted in a number of medical issues as per multiple researches that are being conducted.
It is not just the medical perspective from which it is important that one takes in a healthy diet but from the perspective of beauty as well. The two most important categories that come under this are the skin and nails. If both these features are in good shape, then the overall appearance of an individual becomes quite refreshing in itself.
Skin and nails are the two body parts that are quite reflective of one’s health. Whenever one is having some problem, these are the first things that start to show the signs that something is wrong in the internal mechanism of the body.
In comparison of the two, the more important is the skin and it is very important that one is careful about the maintenance of its health. One of the key reasons for keeping the skin healthy is to ensure that in case one is suffering some other medical condition, the signs can be detected in time. If the skin is neglected its own health is going to deteriorate in a manner that the signs won’t be distinguished and the bigger problem will go un-identified. To many this may sound as a trivial reason but the fact of the matter is that this a very important factor. Many people have suffered the consequences of the confusion of not knowing if the skin’s damage was the result of a problem or neglect. It is better to be safe than sorry so this aspect of the situation should not be ignored at all.
The food that one takes is capable of changing the texture of the skin. The most common shift that people usually go through is the conversion of pretty normal skin into oily skin or dry skin. When it comes to the oily skin, that is mostly because of the intake of junk food which has loads of oil in it. In addition to the presence of direct oil in these foods, it is the use of artificial food ingredients that is causing a lot of problem. These ingredients impact the hormones of the body which are then capable of having an impact on the body functions. In majority of the cases these impacts are not of a positive nature at all. The most problematic factor here is that many a times the changes that occur due to the unhealthy diet are not reversible at all. Individuals then have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.
Coming towards the impact of an unhealthy diet on the nails, the immediate consequence is that the nails will not have the strength that they usually have in their healthy condition. The first sign is that their growth is not normal. So if your nails are not growing at the pace at which they used to, then this should be your first sign that the unhealthy food is affecting your nails now. The other sign is that even if they are growing, the nails are quite weak and they easily break off. For females this means that all the desire for showing off your nail art is going to go down the drain. It is not just about simply showing off your nail art. The problem is a bit more intense. Having the ability to use nail art as per your choice is reflective of the fact that the health of your nails is in perfect condition. In case this is not the case, then it shows that the health is not on the mark and the damage needs to be controlled.
All of these are going to be the results of the food that is being consumed on the mass scale. This is not to say that one should not eat any of the foods that are available outside. However, the basic point here is that those kind of foods should not be replaced as your regular foods. It is important that one invests a bit in the healthy food category. The only difference between the foods of this category is that they need making on your own part and that is going to require some input on your part. This input should be considered as an investment in your health, which is going to be the most important and effective investment that you will be making. If you don’t have your health and in this particular case if it is not being reflected in the condition of your skin and nails then all the rest of the gifts and talents that you have will not give a feeling of satisfaction to you.
As the saying goes health and safety first and this is a formula that is sadly being ignored by the majority these days. There is no point in feeling sorry for yourself in the end. Thus, without wasting any more time, go ahead and see where you are standing and get the treatment that is needed in your case. To ensure that you opt all of these changes as part of your life style, the suggestion is that you make the shift in a slow and steady manner instead of rushing into the things. Rushing the change is only going to resemble a fad and you will soon be back to your regular manners.
Beauty is connected to care. In fact in some cultures the two terms are interchangeable. This is not a new fact, in fact this can be observed anywhere around you. When one spends some time and energy on something the results turn out to be splendid. Start taking care of yourself and it is not just the outward beauty that is going to show results but in fact the internal self is going to feel good as well. When the internal and the external are going to be on the same comfort line, beauty is going to emerge automatically.
One of the key aspects when it comes to taking care of you beauty is to keep your nails in good shape. When one has good nails the whole persona gets a great look as well. However, the most common complain that people have is that they are not able to get healthy nails around the year. Many people get their nails in great shape during a specific season but then in other seasons the results are totally off. Some of this has to do with the fact that the nails though a hard part of the body, yet they have a lot of sensitivity in them. Hence, the biggest mistake that people in general make is the fact that they don’t treat their sensitive nails with care and instead treat them in a rough manner.
In order to get the best results for your nails, it is important that you invest in nail care in a consistent manner. There are many ways in which one can go about doing this. In addition to the general pattern of care, another thing that is quite important is the fact that all kinds of nail care treatment are not going to work for everyone. This situation is similar to that of one’s skin and hair care. There are many different categories and types of nails that people have and depending on their quality, on needs to work on them accordingly.
The first thing that serves as the key step when it comes to nail care is to ensure that the nails are kept clean. This is the first step that is going to ensure that the nails stay strong and healthy. When one gets interested in growing the nails, the right kind of growth is going to be determined by this very fact as well. With regards to this, there are two main ways through which one can maintain the nails in a consistent manner. One method revolves around the use of natural procedures and herbal treatments. On the other hand there are branded products that are available in the market for the nails’ care. For those who don’t have a lot of spare time on their hands, the best option is to opt for the branded products as all they need to do is apply them directly out of the packaging and see the results in a few hours only. In comparison the herbal treatments are going to take a lot more time, which everyone can’t spare. For those who can it is suggested that they opt for the herbal treatment over the branded products as the results are going to be more sustainable. Even those who are using branded products for their nail care they are going to require that they apply it on regular bases.
Another reason for opting for consistent nail care is that, without it nail art is not going to be a fruitful activity. In the past it was only the simple application of nail colour that was covered under this category. However, now with all the advancement in the product development, a lot of progress has been made in the category of beauty products as well. Now the nail art category involves a lot of designing categories and for their application there are a number of tools that have made the procedure of nail art quite simple now. However, in order for the application process to go ahead in a smooth manner, the nails need to have a proper health as well. Weak nails are not going to be able to support the excess of nail art, especially at the edges which are most vulnerable to breaking off, resulting in the distortion of the whole point behind the nail art category.
Other than the reasons mentioned above which to many are going to sound a bit to super facial there is the issue of a connection that is directly related to the overall health of an individual. Many of the medical problems can be identified by observing the condition of the nails of the people. If the nails are going to be neglected on the whole then it is not going to be possible to separate between the signs of health issue and the general unkempt situation of the nails.
Apart from these, looking after your nails in a regular manner is going to ensure that you have not become a carrier of the problems as well. A lot of problems especially that are associated with the transfer of the germs can be sourced to the condition of the nails of an individual. Therefore, it is important that in order to maintain a general good health one has consistently maintained the nails and ensured that they don’t end up being the carriers of the problems that people are going to be suffering.
These are just some of the basic reasons for which one should be ensuring the good health of the nails by taking care of them in a regular fashion. Doing this in breaks or only once in a blue moon is not going to help the final output. Most of all the results are going to be sloppy at the most and not consistent enough to provided the needed outcome that the majority has been looking for. Therefore it is best to opt for small steps that are going to provide the long term solutions.
Clinical studies have proven that the foods which we eat have a major impact on skin health and looks. It is true that there are other factors which play a role including environmental factors, hormones and genetics. Still, these are much more difficult to control than your diet. You decide what to eat and what to avoid. When you stay away from the foods which are bad for your skin, you will see considerable improvement in its condition. Find out what these are.
Foods with Simple Carbs
The simple carbohydrates and sugar, in particular, are bad for the skin. This is because the higher level of glucose in the blood has an averse impact on collagen and elastin. These proteins are essential for keeping the skin elastic and firm. When they are not in sufficiently high levels, sagginess, fine lines and wrinkles appear.
Given all this, it is important to stay away from all foods which are rich in simple carbs from rice and potatoes to white bread. The sugary foods undoubtedly present the most serious threat to healthy looking skin. You should try to avoid not only candy, cakes and chocolate, but all foods and drinks which claim to be healthy but actually contain sugar. These include processed juices, sweetened smoothies and grain bars.
Foods with Fat, Additives and Preservatives
The foods which are rich in fat and contain considerable amounts of additives and preservatives can have a major negative impact on skin health. These compounds can seriously mess with hormone production in the body, especially when they are accumulated in large amounts. In this way, they can boost the production of oil in the skin and lead to a wide variety of problems. These include all forms of acne from blackheads and whiteheads to cysts. The cysts are particularly serious. They can remain on the face for weeks and be quite painful.
You are most certainly familiar with the foods which contain additives and preservatives. These include all processed foods from potato chips to salami and chocolate bars. You should avoid processed drinks from juices to soda as well. The fat-rich foods that you need to stay away from include red meat and all fried dishes from French fries to chicken wings.
Milk and Margarine
Due to the fact that it is rich in hormones, milk can cause skin inflammation and stimulate the production of excess oil. That is why you should reduce its consumption. Still, you can have small amounts of low-fat dairy products which are rich in probiotics. The good bacteria actually help to improve the condition of the skin.
The fat in margarine is not healthy. In fact, it may speed up the process of aging and contribute to the wrinkling of the face. You should try to reduce the consumption of this product as much as possible in order to keep your skin soft, smooth and plump.
The foods which you should include in your diet to improve skin health are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish. The first two categories are extremely important for getting the best results.
The popularity of cosmetic masks as skin treatments has grown immensely in recent years. There are specially formulated products for home use which can be purchased directly from stores. There are also special mask treatments done at beauty salons and spas. The homemade treatments are still widely used primarily because they are easy and inexpensive to make and allow you to get creative. In any of these cases, you can expect to enjoy excellent beauty result as long as the ingredients are effective and the treatment is done correctly. Discover what improvements you will enjoy with the main types of masks.
Purifying Masks
These treatments are typically based on clay while special salts are following close behind. The job of these masks is to absorb impurities from the skin. In this way, the pores are freed from sebum, dirt and bacteria. The oil is not the only thing which goes away. The layer of dead skin cells is effectively removed and the healthy, plump and smooth skin from underneath becomes clearly visible. Thanks to their exfoliating properties, the purifying masks can also help to reduce small imperfections such as fine lines, sun spots and aging spots.
These cosmetic masks are highly effective for the treatment and prevention of acne. There are also specially formulated ones which can help patients with rosacea to get considerable improvement. In general, the people with oily skin and those who wear heavy makeup on a daily basis will benefit greatly from these purifying cosmetic treatments.
Hydrating Masks
These are light cosmetic masks which are typically in gel or cream form. They should be applied after thorough cleaning of the face and preferably after a bath when the pores are open. In this way, the skin can absorb the hydrating and nourishing ingredients more effectively. When the skin in properly hydrated and nurtured, all the process in it are stimulated. This includes the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin is plumper, softer and more radiant.
The hydrating masks are great for all skin types without exception. They are effective for fighting the signs of fatigue and daily stress. They help to reduce the signs of aging as well.
Antiaging Masks
These are specially formulated masks which are designed to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and aging spots and to make the skin plumper, smoother and more elastic at the same time. They are designed to provide gentle and superficial skin resurfacing and to stimulate collage and elastin production. They produce very good results when they are used on a regular basis. There are products for home use which can be applied as frequently as every other night. These masks are suitable for everyone who wants to look younger regardless of their age.
Last, but not least, you should know that even though the cosmetic masks offer a variety of great benefits, there is no such thing as one size fits all. Before you opt for such a treatment, you have to confirm that it is suitable for your skin type and that you are not sensitive to the ingredients. Then you can readily enjoy the beautifying results which it will give you.
It is far-fetched to say that beauty requires sacrifices, but it definitely demands discipline. If you want to get the best results from skin care and nail care, you have to establish routines and follow them strictly. Here are the most effective routines described in detail.
The Ideal Skin Care Routine
The reality is that your face is exposed to the adverse effects of the environment every day so you cannot afford to have breaks from caring for it. Here is the optimal daily routine to follow:
Step 1: Wash your face after you wake up in the morning. It has certainly not accumulated dirt during the night, but it has produced sebum which blocks the pores and has to be removed. Use lukewarm water . You can also use a specially formulated cleanser or a soap with oil in it depending on your skin type and specific needs.
Step 2: Apply moisturizer to your face right after blotting any excess water or cleanser. It is important to apply the product on slightly damp skin. The ideal moisturizer offers deep and lasting hydration while being perfectly light. It provides protection from the UVA and UVB rays of the sun too. It is best to go for a product with SPF 30 or higher. Use matching products for the face and eye area for best results.
Step 3: Apply makeup after the moisturizer has got fully absorbed into the skin. If you use a light formula this should happen fairly quickly. Try to use makeup which does not block the pores even if you have dry skin. Avoid applying too much foundation. It is best to spread it with soft sponge applicator.
Step 4: Remove makeup from your face before you go to bed. Use a gentle yet sufficiently potent makeup remover. Clean your face with your cleanser or with soap. Agan, blot excess water instead of rubbing your skin with the towel.
Step 5: Apply night cream and a suitable eye product. The choice of night cream and matching eye treatment depends on your skin type, age and any particular problems that you want to deal with. If you have acne, for instance, you can use a cream which dries pimples. If you want to reduce wrinkles, you can apply a retinoid-based cream.
You should add two extra steps to this routine once a week between Steps 4 and 5. Here they are:
Extra Step 1: After you remove your makeup and wash your face in the evening, have a steam treatment for opening the pores. Boil some distilled water, pour it in a teapot and let your face soak the steam for five to ten minutes. Cover your head with a towel for best results. You can add a few drops of essential oil into the water or fresh herbs, if you wish.
Extra Step 2: Apply an exfoliating and nurturing mask to your face. It must be formulated for your skin type and age. Follow the instructions for application and removal strictly. Remember not to cover the area around the eyes. The mask will remove the dead skin cells and stimulate the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. This will give you the smoothness, plumpness and softness which you require. After you remove the mask, you can apply your night cream.
The Perfect Nail Care Routine
It is up to you to decide how frequently you will follow the routine presented below. You can do it once every week or once every two weeks.
Step 1: Exfoliate the skin around the nails including the cuticles. This will give you the softness and refined looks that you require. You can use a specially designed product or simply cut a grape in half and dip it into some sugar.
Step 2: Soak your fingers in warm, but not hot water until your nails get soft. It usually takes around ten to fifteen minutes, but more time is needed in some cases. It is possible to skip this step if you plan to do the following ones after taking a shower or a bath.
Step 3: Massage a little bit of hydrating and nourishing oil into the skin around the fingernails and to the cuticles. This will help for further softening of the skin and for further improvement of its looks too. Do not miss to wipe excess oil.
Step 4: Push the cuticles in the direction of the nail base using a specially designed rounded metal pusher or an orange stick, which is sharper. The choice of tool depends on how soft your cuticles are and on how skilled you are at the task. Most beginners find the use of an orange stick easier.
Step 5: Trim your nails with sharp scissors. Cut the pointier middle section straight and then make curves around the edges. It is up to you to decide on the depth of the trimming. In general, it is always best to leave some more of the nail so that you have room for shaping.
Step 6: Shape your fingernails in the way which you desire with the use of a file. It is up to you to decide on a file depending on how hard you want it to be. In general, the models with combining different grits will give you maximum flexibility. The glass files give you the greatest room for creativity and allow for maximum precision while being hygienic and easy to maintain. Start filing from one edge to the other and go only in forward direction.
The following steps are optional depending on whether you want to wear nail polish or not.
Step 7: Apply nail hardener if you have brittle nails or nail foundation to make the surface perfectly smooth for the next step.
Step 8: Apply nail polish in as many layers as you deem fit. Usually, two layers are more than sufficient. Start by making one swipe over the central area of the nail and then one swipe on each side. You can apply a special top coat for extra shine if you wish.
Step 9: Allow the nail polish to dry. Avoid using your hands in the meantime.