You want to use the best skin care product there is, but it is difficult to make a choice given the multitude of products in the market and the flashy and often confusing ads. You have to take the search and evaluation very seriously since a mistake can not only cost you a great deal of money, but have an adverse impact on your skin health. If you are careful and follow the basic rules outlined below, you will make the right decision and enjoy healthy and beautiful complexion.
Skin Type
Before you go shopping for any sort of skin care product, you must know what your skin type is. This has a great impact on the ingredients and the effects of the product. If you have normal skin, you can use most types of cosmetics without hesitation. If you have dry skin, you have to ensure that the products which you choose have pure natural oils for deep and lasting hydration.
If you have oily skin, you need creams which do not clog the pores and which help the epidermis to breathe. While the reduced production of oil is beneficial, it must not stripped of the skin. If you have sensitive skin, you have to use cosmetics with gentle yet potent ingredients which do not cause irritation or redness.
Skin Needs
You need to identify the problems which you have to fight and the improvements which you want to make. This will help you with selecting the ideal skin care products. The products for acne treatment are very different from those for wrinkles or rosacea. The more specific you are the better. There are hardly any products which can fight all signs of ageing at the same time. Some creams stimulate collagen production to add plumpness to the skin while others work to resurface the topmost layer of the epidermis to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Ingredients and Concentration
You should do your research in advance to figure out which types of chemical compounds have been proven to work for your particular skin problem. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are used for acne treatment while vitamin C is effective for sun spots, ageing spots and radiance improvement. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are preferred for natural sun protection. Coenzyme Q10 repairs damaged cells and makes the skin plumper. Check carefully the concentration of the active ingredients. It should not be below 5%.
You should look closely at all ingredients and not only the active ones and ensure that they are perfectly safe. You should avoid products which contain parabens, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrances, sulfates and chemical compounds which release formaldehyde. Since you will most certainly be using the product for a long period of time, you should not hesitate to research the ingredients just to be on the safe side.
Finally, you should not forget to check the brand before you buy a skin care product. Find out more about its history and philosophy and check what people think about it. You should be completely confident about cosmetics which you get and apply on your skin.
You want to receive only the best treatment for your skin. Ideally, it would be non-invasive and produce good results fairly quickly. Could carboxytherapy be the right treatment for you? This treatment has become extremely popular in modern beauty salons across the globe. Find out everything which you need to know about it to make a decision.
The Treatment
Carboxytherapy involves the injection of small amounts of carbon dioxide right under the topmost layer of the skin. This gas is naturally present in the body. It is a waste product of the metabolic processes in it. We take it out of our system every time we exhale. Since the injected carbon dioxide is treated as waste product by the body, the oxygen supply to the treated area is increased. The red blood cells deliver more oxygen and pick up the present carbon dioxide which is then processed by the lungs and breathed out.
The increased oxygen supply to the treated skin area nurtures the cells. It stimulates the natural processes in the skin including healing, circulation and collagen production. Given this, the therapy with carbon dioxide has a wide variety of applications. It is used for the treatment of dark circles around the eyes and for scar healing. It is also utilized for the reduction of stretch marks and cellulite. Another one of its applications is body sculpting.
Effectiveness and Safety
It is common to see improvement after the first session of carboxytherapy. The darker skin around the eyes gets lighter and lighter until it regains its natural tan color back. The scarred skin becomes smoother, softer and plumper. Stretch marks are reduced and the smoothness of the skin is restored. The skin affected by cellulite becomes tighter as well as smoother. When it comes to body sculpting, the fat deposits, which appear as bulges, are reduced over time and the silhouette is leaner yet attractively curvaceous.
In order for the best possible results to be achieved, a number of treatment sessions will be required. In most cases, therapists recommend that ten sessions are done, but this is generally strictly individual and depends on a variety of factors such as the severity of the problem, the age of the patient and her overall health condition. It is important to note that it is up to the patient to make effort to retain the achieved results. In order for your skin to remain cellulite-free for instance, you will need to do exercise, drink plenty of water and provide messages and exfoliation. Similarly, in order to keep the eye contour healthy, you should wear sunglasses and get sufficient rest.
As a non-invasive procedure, carboxytherapy has a high level of safety. It is not known to have any serious side effects which may have adverse impact on the overall health of the patient. Some discomfort may be felt during the injection. Bruising may also occur, but this is generally rare since the procedure is performed by a trained therapist. After the treatment session, you can go on with your daily life. No special care is required.
Use the information provided here to decide if carboxytherapy is the right treatment for your skin problems.
In case the body grows faster than the skin can tolerate, the fibers in its middle layer, the dermis, break. This is how stretch marks appear. They are typically long and thin and their color ranges from white, light pink and silver to purple and blue. The main causes of this dermatological problem are body weight increase during pregnancy, body building and adolescence. The big question is how to get rid of these imperfections. Decide on the best treatment for stretch marks after considering the different methods used at present.
The Main Options
The homemade treatments for stretch marks enjoy great popularity because they are simple and cheap to make and easy to use. Whether you use olive oil, lemon juice or some mixture of ingredients, you can expect some improvements but not complete removal of the skin imperfections.
While there are various over-the-counter creams, gels and lotions, you should focus on the ones with ingredients which have been extensively tested and proven to improve the skin. The products which contain hyaluronic acid can provide major improvement to the smoothness and plumpness of the affected skin areas. This is because this active ingredient works effectively to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
The topical treatments based on retinoid can also produce very good results. They not only stimulate collagen growth, but also cell turnover. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, softer and tighter fairly quickly.
The laser treatments for stretch mark removal are becoming more widely used. The laser works to break the existing bonds in the skin and to stimulate the growth of new and healthy layers at the same time. The treatment is highly effective and typically produces great results. The number of sessions depends on the size, age and depth of the marks.
Chemical peels and dermabrasion are also used for removing stretch marks. They both work to remove the topmost layer of the skin so that a new healthier, stronger and smoother layer can grow in its place. Dermabrasion is gentler compared to chemical peels. Both produce satisfactory results.
For stretch marks in the abdominal area, abdominoplasty can help. This is a surgical procedure which is designed to make this part of the body thinner, firmer and smoother. The comprehensive results are usually quite good, but another pregnancy or weight gain will reduce them considerably.
Making a Choice
It is up to you to pick the best treatment for stretch marks in your particular situation. You should consider the overall condition and health of your skin. You should also have an idea of how sensitive it is especially to chemicals and laser treatment. You have to consider your budget as well. The cost of the treatment is an important factor which should not be underestimated.
Finally, in order for the stretch mark treatment to produce the best possible results, you have to start it as early as possible. This is because older stretch marks are more difficult to reduce and to get rid of. Similarly, even though things such as exercise, healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are not therapies, they will contribute immensely to the effectiveness of the chosen treatment.
You probably think that the topical treatments which you use for skin healthy and beauty are perfectly sufficient. However, this is not the case. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and its needs to be nourished properly. This is achieved only through a healthy diet. The vegetables are among its core components along with the fruit. Find out which veggies to eat in order to enjoy young, clear and healthy skin.
Carrots, squashes and pumpkins are rich in beta-carotene, which the human body processes and turns into vitamin A. This vitamin is crucial for skin health as it helps for its natural regeneration. It helps for the natural slouching of the dead cells and stimulates the growth of new ones which are stronger. It plays an important role in the production of collagen and elastin as well. It gives you firmer and smoother skin.
Peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and sweet potatoes are among the best sources of vitamin C. This potent antioxidant is essential for preserving the elasticity and brightness of the skin. It is responsible for the proper production of collagen. It is highly effective for fighting sun spots and age spots.
Avocados and leafy greens are the top vegetable sources of vitamin E. It is an extremely powerful antioxidant which fights the free radicals in the body. It protects the skin cells from all sorts of damage including UV damage. It helps to slow down the aging process and the appearance of all signs associated with it from fine lines to wrinkles and dark spots.
Best Sources of Minerals
Spinach, tomatoes and broccoli are excellent sources of selenium. The antioxidant properties of this mineral have been well studied. It works to prevent cellular damage. In this way, it protects the skin from damage and especially from sun damage. It helps to reduce the risk of sun spots and even skin cancer.
Cabbage, spinach and green peas will give you healthy amounts of zinc. This mineral is effective for preventing cellular damage. It helps to provide good protection to the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. It also contributes to keeping the skin clear. That is why it is often recommended for acne treatment.
In general, all vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals which are good for the body. When the body functions properly, each of its organs including the skin will be in good condition. That is why you should not hesitate to fill your place with as much of vegetable dishes as possible. Specialists recommend that you focus on color diversity. The more colorful the content of your plate is the healthier it is.
You should always try to eat vegetables raw in order to get the best health benefits for the skin and for the body as a whole. If cooking is needed, it should be minimal so that the maximum possible amounts of the vitamins and minerals inside are preserved. Simmering and stewing are the best options. When you make salads, you should definitely add appropriate herbs and spices to make them healthier.
It is far-fetched to say that beauty requires sacrifices, but it definitely demands discipline. If you want to get the best results from skin care and nail care, you have to establish routines and follow them strictly. Here are the most effective routines described in detail.
The Ideal Skin Care Routine
The reality is that your face is exposed to the adverse effects of the environment every day so you cannot afford to have breaks from caring for it. Here is the optimal daily routine to follow:
Step 1: Wash your face after you wake up in the morning. It has certainly not accumulated dirt during the night, but it has produced sebum which blocks the pores and has to be removed. Use lukewarm water . You can also use a specially formulated cleanser or a soap with oil in it depending on your skin type and specific needs.
Step 2: Apply moisturizer to your face right after blotting any excess water or cleanser. It is important to apply the product on slightly damp skin. The ideal moisturizer offers deep and lasting hydration while being perfectly light. It provides protection from the UVA and UVB rays of the sun too. It is best to go for a product with SPF 30 or higher. Use matching products for the face and eye area for best results.
Step 3: Apply makeup after the moisturizer has got fully absorbed into the skin. If you use a light formula this should happen fairly quickly. Try to use makeup which does not block the pores even if you have dry skin. Avoid applying too much foundation. It is best to spread it with soft sponge applicator.
Step 4: Remove makeup from your face before you go to bed. Use a gentle yet sufficiently potent makeup remover. Clean your face with your cleanser or with soap. Agan, blot excess water instead of rubbing your skin with the towel.
Step 5: Apply night cream and a suitable eye product. The choice of night cream and matching eye treatment depends on your skin type, age and any particular problems that you want to deal with. If you have acne, for instance, you can use a cream which dries pimples. If you want to reduce wrinkles, you can apply a retinoid-based cream.
You should add two extra steps to this routine once a week between Steps 4 and 5. Here they are:
Extra Step 1: After you remove your makeup and wash your face in the evening, have a steam treatment for opening the pores. Boil some distilled water, pour it in a teapot and let your face soak the steam for five to ten minutes. Cover your head with a towel for best results. You can add a few drops of essential oil into the water or fresh herbs, if you wish.
Extra Step 2: Apply an exfoliating and nurturing mask to your face. It must be formulated for your skin type and age. Follow the instructions for application and removal strictly. Remember not to cover the area around the eyes. The mask will remove the dead skin cells and stimulate the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. This will give you the smoothness, plumpness and softness which you require. After you remove the mask, you can apply your night cream.
The Perfect Nail Care Routine
It is up to you to decide how frequently you will follow the routine presented below. You can do it once every week or once every two weeks.
Step 1: Exfoliate the skin around the nails including the cuticles. This will give you the softness and refined looks that you require. You can use a specially designed product or simply cut a grape in half and dip it into some sugar.
Step 2: Soak your fingers in warm, but not hot water until your nails get soft. It usually takes around ten to fifteen minutes, but more time is needed in some cases. It is possible to skip this step if you plan to do the following ones after taking a shower or a bath.
Step 3: Massage a little bit of hydrating and nourishing oil into the skin around the fingernails and to the cuticles. This will help for further softening of the skin and for further improvement of its looks too. Do not miss to wipe excess oil.
Step 4: Push the cuticles in the direction of the nail base using a specially designed rounded metal pusher or an orange stick, which is sharper. The choice of tool depends on how soft your cuticles are and on how skilled you are at the task. Most beginners find the use of an orange stick easier.
Step 5: Trim your nails with sharp scissors. Cut the pointier middle section straight and then make curves around the edges. It is up to you to decide on the depth of the trimming. In general, it is always best to leave some more of the nail so that you have room for shaping.
Step 6: Shape your fingernails in the way which you desire with the use of a file. It is up to you to decide on a file depending on how hard you want it to be. In general, the models with combining different grits will give you maximum flexibility. The glass files give you the greatest room for creativity and allow for maximum precision while being hygienic and easy to maintain. Start filing from one edge to the other and go only in forward direction.
The following steps are optional depending on whether you want to wear nail polish or not.
Step 7: Apply nail hardener if you have brittle nails or nail foundation to make the surface perfectly smooth for the next step.
Step 8: Apply nail polish in as many layers as you deem fit. Usually, two layers are more than sufficient. Start by making one swipe over the central area of the nail and then one swipe on each side. You can apply a special top coat for extra shine if you wish.
Step 9: Allow the nail polish to dry. Avoid using your hands in the meantime.