What Is the Best Treatment for Stretch Marks?

In case the body grows faster than the skin can tolerate, the fibers in its middle layer, the dermis, break. This is how stretch marks appear. They are typically long and thin and their color ranges from white, light pink and silver to purple and blue. The main causes of this dermatological problem are body weight increase during pregnancy, body building and adolescence. The big question is how to get rid of these imperfections. Decide on the best treatment for stretch marks after considering the different methods used at present.
The Main Options
The homemade treatments for stretch marks enjoy great popularity because they are simple and cheap to make and easy to use. Whether you use olive oil, lemon juice or some mixture of ingredients, you can expect some improvements but not complete removal of the skin imperfections.
While there are various over-the-counter creams, gels and lotions, you should focus on the ones with ingredients which have been extensively tested and proven to improve the skin. The products which contain hyaluronic acid can provide major improvement to the smoothness and plumpness of the affected skin areas. This is because this active ingredient works effectively to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
The topical treatments based on retinoid can also produce very good results. They not only stimulate collagen growth, but also cell turnover. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, softer and tighter fairly quickly.
The laser treatments for stretch mark removal are becoming more widely used. The laser works to break the existing bonds in the skin and to stimulate the growth of new and healthy layers at the same time. The treatment is highly effective and typically produces great results. The number of sessions depends on the size, age and depth of the marks.
Chemical peels and dermabrasion are also used for removing stretch marks. They both work to remove the topmost layer of the skin so that a new healthier, stronger and smoother layer can grow in its place. Dermabrasion is gentler compared to chemical peels. Both produce satisfactory results.
For stretch marks in the abdominal area, abdominoplasty can help. This is a surgical procedure which is designed to make this part of the body thinner, firmer and smoother. The comprehensive results are usually quite good, but another pregnancy or weight gain will reduce them considerably.
Making a Choice
It is up to you to pick the best treatment for stretch marks in your particular situation. You should consider the overall condition and health of your skin. You should also have an idea of how sensitive it is especially to chemicals and laser treatment. You have to consider your budget as well. The cost of the treatment is an important factor which should not be underestimated.
Finally, in order for the stretch mark treatment to produce the best possible results, you have to start it as early as possible. This is because older stretch marks are more difficult to reduce and to get rid of. Similarly, even though things such as exercise, healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are not therapies, they will contribute immensely to the effectiveness of the chosen treatment.


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