Every year thousands of people are affected by a condition called candidiasis. It is caused by Candida albicans. This microorganism is often referred to as simply candida. Find out more about its nature and the forms in which it grows.
Microorganism Basics
This is a type of fungus belonging to the family of eukaryotic microorganisms. It lives in the human body. It is found in the gastrointestinal tract, in the mouth and on the skin. It is part of the intestinal flora. The intestinal flora is a system of different types of microorganisms. The role of these microorganisms is to aid metabolic processes in the body. They have a commensal relationship. This means that the microorganisms of the intestinal flora do not have an adverse effect on the human body and that it does not have such an effect on them either.
Candida has a simple structure and grows via budding. New cells grow as a result of the division of existing cells. This is the typical method of reproduction of microorganisms. It is very basic, but highly effective. The growth process can be speeded up depending on the conditions of the surrounding environment.
Fungal Growth
In the case of candida, there are several factors which can stimulate the growth process and increase its rate. The first one is temperature. When the temperature increases up to a certain threshold, the growth rate of these microorganisms rises accordingly. Another stimulating factor of the environment is moisture. In general, these fungi live in moist environments. The major factor that speeds up the growth rate of these microorganisms is the lack of acid. When the environment which they are in becomes less acidic, they multiply more rapidly.
Growth Forms
There are two forms in which candida grows. The first form involves multiple individual cells that create small clusters. These fungi can also have filamentous cell growth. They form the so called hyphas. These are long structures with a long main branch and many smaller ones coming out of it. When looked under a microscope, these structures look very similar to tree branches.
Candida Infection
This condition, which is formally known as candidiasis, is caused by overgrowth of the fungus in the human body. As explained earlier, overgrowth occurs due to temperature increase and drop in the acidic level. That is why infection typically occurs in the mouth and throat or in the genital area of the human body. Less often, particularly in babies, it occurs on the skin around the bottom area. In such cases, it is commonly known as diaper rash.
In general, the human body has its own natural ways of controlling the overgrowth of yeast. When it is weakened, these control functions are not performed as effectively as usual. That is why the condition is more likely to affect people with impaired immune system. In such cases, it is typically harder to treat as well.
Although candida plays a role in important metabolic processes in the human body, it can be dangerous in the case of overgrowth. That is why it is important for people to look after their health so that the optimal balance of these and other microorganisms in the body can be maintained.
In order for infections caused by candida to be well understood and treated, it is important to know more about the presence of this type of fungus in the human body. Find out how it occurs naturally in people and what role it plays in the body. This will help you to get a clear idea of the difference between normal growth and overgrowth and their respective effects on humans.
Natural Functioning
It is estimated that candida occurs naturally in around 70% to 80% of the human population. It is found primarily in the gastrointestinal tract and in the mouth. Fewer fungal cells are present on the skin. In the gastrointestinal tract, the cells are part of the so called intestinal or gut flora. They play a role on the metabolic processes of the body. More precisely, together with the other microorganisms present inside the digestive tract, they collect the energy from the fermentation of carbohydrates that have not been digested and facilitate the absorption of fatty acids with short chains. The intestinal flora is also responsible for synthesizing two vitamins – B and K.
It is important to note that the presence of candida in the gastrointestinal tract is beneficial for humans and for the fungus as well since it ensures its survival. At the same time, the fungus cannot cause harm as long as its growth is naturally controlled by the human body. The human body does not have a harmful effect on it either. In biology, this relationship between two organisms is known as commensalism.
Natural Occurrence
Candida is passed from the mother to the baby during childbirth. This is the way in which it gets into the gastrointestinal tract. As mentioned earlier, some of it remains in the mouth. It does not occur on its own. It is not transferred into the body through food. It cannot be transferred by any kinds of objects even if they are placed in the mouth.
Inside the gastrointestinal tract, this type of fungus reproduces through budding. Its presence remains completely unnoticeable. The infection caused by this fungus called candidiasis occurs when the budding of the cells gets out of control. There are two main causes to the uncontrolled budding. The first one is decrease in the acidity of the environment. This is the major cause of vaginal candidiasis. The warmth and moisture contribute to the uncontrolled growth. The second major reason for the increase in the budding rate is the lack of appropriate control on the part of the body. This typically happens when the immune system is impaired.
There are other ways in which candida can be passed from one person to another in addition to the natural process of childbirth. The main one is through sexual intercourse. If one of the partners has candidiasis, the other one will get infected too. This infection can also occur in a hospital environment due to lack of proper safety and hygiene measures.
When candida does not occur naturally in the human body, it is dangerous.
The presence of candida in the human body is natural. This type of yeast is found in the intestinal flora, which is responsible for metabolism. Its growth rate is determined by the surrounding environment and controlled by the human body. When the multiplication of the fungal cells gets out of control, infection occurs in the body. Find out more about the reasons why overgrowth occurs and what the consequences for the body are.
Overgrowth Causes
The most common cause of candida overgrowth is disturbance in the pH balance of the environment which it is present in. The growth rate of the fungus increases when the acidity level drops. The decrease in acidity is typically due to a decline in the population of lacto bacteria. The growth of lacto bacteria is adversely affected by various factors. The main one includes the intake of antibiotics.
There are other major causes of candida overgrowth. One of them is increase in the blood sugar levels. When they are permanently high such as in the case of diabetes, the risk of infection is greater. In some cases, diet rich in sugar can also cause the condition.
The rate of growth of this type of fungus can increase when the immune system is weak. That is why people who suffer from HIV and cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy are at higher risk of developing candida infection (candidiasis). The same applies to people who have undergone bone marrow transplantation.
Types of Infections
When candida overgrowth is present in certain parts of the body, it causes infection. There are three main types of infections caused by this function. Due to the fact that the fungus grows in yeast form, they are commonly known as yeast infections.
Vaginal candidiasis is a condition affecting many women. It can have any of the causes described above. It can also occur during pregnancy. Yeast grows on the vaginal walls and may also spread to the vulva. The symptoms include itching, burning and white vaginal discharge. The first two symptoms can also occur in men when the fungus is passed through sexual intercourse.
Oropharyngeal candidiasis is characterized by white spots on the base of the tongue and on the throat. It is commonly known as thrush. It causes pain during swallowing. Young children and people with impaired immunity are more likely to develop this condition.
Invasive candidiasis is the least common of all three types of candida infections. It occurs when fungal cells enter the bloodstream and reach vital organs of the body like the kidneys, liver and brain. It typically affects only people with severely weakened immune system.
Intestinal Overgrowth and Disbalance
It is not possible for a higher growth of candida in the gastrointestinal tract to cause infection and the consequent serious symptoms. However, this causes disbalance in the intestinal flora and consequently in the entire body. The chemical disbalance makes the cells more vulnerable to attacks from free radicals. The immune system is less effective and the risk of serious medical conditions is higher.
Factors such as healthy diet can help to lower the risk of candida overgrowth and the resulting health problems.
When people discover that there is a specific type of microorganism in their body, it is normal for them to ask whether it will have an adverse impact on their health. Candida can cause infections with symptoms ranging from discomfort to pain. That is why it makes sense to ask whether it can lead to death. Here is the detailed answer to this question.
Natural Occurrence
When candida is passed from the mother to the child during birth, it goes into the gastrointestinal tract and becomes part of the intestinal microflora. It usually stays there throughout the entire life of the person. As part of the gut microflora, it participates in the absorption of nutrients and other important metabolic processes. When it is effectively controlled by the body, it does not cause any harm to it whatsoever. It is not lethal.
Infection Types
The most common types of candida infections, which are vaginal candidiasis and oropharyngeal candidiasis, cannot cause death. These infections can cause serious discomfort and pain, but they typically do not have any kinds of complications. They are effectively treated with antifungal medications. The recovery period is usually quite short.
Invasive candidiasis, also known as candidemia, is a much more serious condition compared to fungal overgrowth in the mouth or the vagina. It involves the spreading of candida cells to vital organs of the body such as the liver, the kidneys and the brain via the bloodstream. When the cells reach these organs, they cause damage and malfunctioning. This condition can cause death.
There is no all-encompassing statistical data to determine a precise candidemia mortality rate. One of the most recent studies has shown that it is around 34%. This means that approximately one in three people affected by the condition dies. The chances of survival of patients are determined primarily by how quickly adequate treatment is provided. If the patient is not treated for the spread of candida around the body within 48 hours of the start of the process, the risk of death is extremely high. The mortality rate for patients who have not received treatment within 48 hours is 78%.
Body Disbalance
In case there is overgrowth of candida in the gastrointestinal tract, this can cause disbalance of the intestinal microflora and consequently of the body. Cells cannot get the optimal amount of nutrients and the presence of chemical disbalance weakens the natural protective forces of the body at cellular level. These problems can linger on for quite some time without causing any noticeable physical symptoms. They are not deadly in their nature, but they can increase the risk of serious diseases. This is because the body cannot fight effectively the free radicals which cause cell damage and consequently these conditions.
While candida is not lethal in most cases, the seriousness of its overgrowth in the body must not be underestimated. When there are symptoms of infection, they must be reported to a doctor right away so that timely medical treatment is provided. With healthy diet and lifestyle in general, disbalance can be effectively prevented.
The overgrowth of candida causes changes in the human body. One of the questions which are commonly asked is whether this type of fungus can cause cancer. It is important to look closely at all known facts in order to find the answer to this question.
What Is Known
The precise causes of most types of cancer are not yet known. Scientific evidence suggests that in some cases the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous ones is caused by specific genes. In others, such as skin cancer, cellular damage leading to tumor growth occurs due to ultraviolet radiation. Some types of viruses can also cause cancer. For instance, certain types of human papilloma viruses can cause cervical cancer in women and oral cancer in both women and men. So far, neither candida nor any other type of fungus has been directly linked to cancer.
The most important thing to note is that there is no clinical or research evidence showing that candida can cause any type of cancer. In fact, there have not been studies focused on this type of fungus in the field of cancer research. While there is no absolute certainty, it can be said that candida cannot cause cancer. If some link between the two is ever discovered, it will be made known to the public so that people will be able to take proactive measures for protection.
In general, candida is naturally present in the gastrointestinal tract of approximately three quarters of the human population. Infection caused by overgrowth of this fungus can occur in the mouth and in the vagina in women. It is typically due to pH disbalance. When it occurs, it is accompanies by a variety of symptoms and diagnosis is made with simple examination and tests. The medical treatment involving antifungal medication is completely effective. Given that these types of candida infections are completely cured in a short time, there are no reasons to believe that they can have a long-term damaging impact on the organs which they affect. There is no any kind of evidence that these infections may increase cancer risk even in people who suffer from them more often.
Overall Body Functioning
While candida cannot cause cancer, it may increase the risk of this condition by weakening the defensive forces of the body in the case of overgrowth. In there is gastrointestinal candida overgrowth, imbalance in the intestinal microflora can occur. When this disbalance continues for a long period of time, it can have adverse impact on all systems and functions of the body. This is because the cells will not get all of the nutrients that they require and can become exposed to harmful toxins. In this way, they will not be able to fight off the free radicals which cause cellular damage. Over time, damaged cells can turn into cancerous tumors.
While candida infections do not increase the risk of cancer, disbalance in the body caused by candida overgrowth may boost this risk. That is why it is important for everyone to stick to a healthy diet, to exercise and to use effective techniques for stress reduction and relaxation.
While candida yeast is naturally present in the body, when it grows rapidly and without control, it can cause intestinal disbalance and infections in the mouth and in the vagina in women. Usually, overgrowth is caused by the intake of antibiotics, uncontrolled diabetes or weakened immune system. Unhealthy diet may also be responsible for it. Find out what foods can cause overgrowth of this fungus in the body when they are consumed in fairly large amounts over a long period of time.
Sugary Foods
These are responsible for most cases of candida overgrowth due to diet. When a lot of sugar is consumed, blood glucose increases and it takes longer for it to get back to its optimal level. Higher blood sugar levels boost the growth rate of the yeast.
In general, sugary foods have adverse impact on the overall health as they contribute to body weight increase and the consequently to heart disease and diabetes. It is best if you reduce their consumption to the lowest possible minimum. For optimal results, you should do the same with sugary drinks such as soda and sweetened fruit juices.
Foods Rich in Simple Carbs
Simple carbohydrates break down into glucose super fast and cause a peak in the blood glucose levels. In this way, they increase the risk of candida overgrowth and of weight gain and other health problems when they are consumed in large amounts. Given this, it is best if you cut their consumption. The list of the most consumed foods which are rich in simple carbs includes white bread and pasta, white rice and potatoes. As you can see, they form a major portion of most people’s diet so it is not easy to get rid of them completely. That is why it is best to replace them with their healthier alternatives. These are whole-grain bread and pasta and brown rice. Healthy cooking is also important.
Alcoholic Beverages
These drinks are also rich in carbohydrates. They slow down the metabolism and the processing of fat in addition to stimulating candida yeast growth. They can cause liver damage as well. You should reduce their consumption as much as possible. Generally, low alcohol consumption is part of every healthy diet. In fact, if you already have certain health problems, you should eliminate it completely at least until you recover fully.
Processed and Canned Foods
These foods contain fairly high amounts of sugar, even if they are not sweet. If you read the labels, you will discover that salami and sauces which are generally salty are rich in sugar. That is why it is best to avoid them or to consume them in very small amounts for keeping candida yeast growth under control. There are other important reasons why you should keep their consumption as low as possible. Processed and canned foods often have high fat content. Besides, they are full of additives and preservatives most of which have adverse impact on the human body.
With the right candida diet, the risk of overgrowth will be minimal.
The overgrowth of candida is related to intestinal flora imbalance. This has adverse effects on the entire internal body balance and makes common problems like fatigue and stress worse. For keeping candida and the overall balance of the body under control, you need to adopt a healthy way of life. One of the major aspects of it is exercise. Find out what the best type of exercise is and how to do it in order to get the best possible results.
Cardio Exercise
There is a simple reason why a cardio workout program will help you to balance candida and stay healthy. This type of exercise involves practically all muscles of the human body. When you move, you burn calories. This, in turn, helps you to keep your blood sugar levels under control. When there are no spikes in blood glucose, normal rate of candida growth is maintained.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the calorie burning process involves heat production and sweating. As you know, toxins are released with sweat through the pores. This means that cardio exercise has a natural cleansing effect. This also helps to keep candida balance and the internal body balance. This type of workout is good for the heart as well. It reduces the risk of serious heart disease.
Diverse Options
There is a wide array of cardio exercises to pick from. You should base your choice on a number of important factors. These include age, overall health, any specific health conditions that you have and your level of fitness. Walking is the mildest of all cardio workouts. Jogging requires slightly more effort, but brings beneficial results faster. Swimming is great even for people who have joint problems as it does not cause strain to them. You can keep the pace that you prefer.
Aerobics is more intensive. Cycling and running are the most intensive of all cardio workout options. You should be in good shape if you want to practice them. In any case, you must start off slowly to avoid putting too much strain on the body and to reduce the risk of injuries.
Exercising Effectively
You can derive the best results from cardio exercise only if you do it frequently. You should have one-hour workouts at least three times a week. In general, if you are in good health and the exercise does not involve too much straining, you can do it every day or at least every other day. It is important to keep the schedule that you have established.
You should start every workout session with warm-up in order to avoid strains, sprains and more serious injuries. You have to ensure that your muscles are well prepared for doing more intensive work. At the end of the session, you should stretch. This also helps for keeping the risk of injuries to the lowest minimum.
Finally, you should drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day and when you do exercise. Water plays a major role in burning calories and getting rid of toxins. It is essential for ensuring candida balance and overall body balance.
It is a fact that when candida overgrowth continues over a period of time, it can have multiple adverse effect on the functioning of the body from lower energy to weakened immune system. That is why it is important to keep the level of this fungus under check. One of the best ways to do this is through healthy dieting. When you consume the right foods, you will feel great and look great too.
Healthy Food Choices
The primary product to include in your diet for candida balancing and reduction in case of overgrowth is yogurt. This is the best natural source of lactobacillus bacteria popularly known as probiotics. Probiotics are essential for keeping the balance of the intestinal flora. By regulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, they contribute to the work of the immune system and help to keep nutrient and energy levels optimal.
It is important that you eat plain unsweetened yogurt. There is no point in taking probiotics, which suppress candida growth, together with sugar, which stimulates it. Besides, sugar has a lot of other adverse effects on the body.
Vegetables are also among the primary foods that you should eat. They are rich in vitamins and minerals that keep the digestive tract and the body as a whole in optimal form. Besides, they are low in calories and fat. The more diverse your choices are the better. One easy way to ensure that you will get all the beneficial nutrients that you require from vegetables is to aim for maximum color variety in the plate.
You have to ensure that your candida diet includes healthy sources of carbohydrates and protein. The whole-grain bread, pasta and cereals are excellent replacement to all products made from white flour. Brown rice is also a fine choice. Just remember that you should still not consume very large amounts of these foods. The same applies to the healthy sources of protein as well. These include chicken breast, lean veal, and eggs. It is important to include fatty fish like salmon in your diet as they are the primary sources of fatty acids, which are essential for the optimal condition and functioning of the heart and the brain.
The Right Approach
You should know that the diet for candida reduction is not only about the foods that you eat, but about how you eat them as well. You should consume vegetables raw for best results. You can prepare amazing salads with various healthy dressings based on spices and herbs. Other health dressing ingredients include lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil.
You must use only healthy cooking methods. Forget about frying and focus on steaming, simmering and boiling. Frilling is also fine as long as you use only a small amount of fat. Remember that the best way to make food delicious is to season it right.
Last, but not least, in order for the candida reduction diet to produce the best results, you should remember to eat three meals a day and two snacks between them.
When candida overgrowth causes various symptoms that affect your daily life like fatigue and more frequent colds, you should take measures to deal with it. You should definitely go on a diet for reducing overgrowth, but for best results, you need to start with a cleanse. Since this fungus is naturally found in the gastrointestinal tract, it is released through it as well. That is why the right cleanse will produce superb results fairly quickly. Find out how to do it.
Food and Drink
The best cleanse to reduce candida includes the consumption of raw vegetables. You can make salads or use the blender for shakes. For best results, you should not use any spices and herbs. Forget about salt, in particular. You can use a little bit of olive oil to ensure that all nutrients are properly absorbed. Just do not add too much of it to your plate.
One of the major questions is whether fruit should be included in the cleanse given that they contain sugar, which naturally boosts candida levels. The reality is that you will consume a very small amount of calories with the veggies and this can cause some discomfort like dizziness especially during the first day or two of the program. That is why you can add small amounts of fruits which are low in sugar to your diet. If you want to keep the program without fruits, you should consider having somewhat higher consumption of veggies that have sugar in them such as carrots.
At the same time, the more acidic fruit like oranges and grapefruits can be highly beneficial since acid helps to reduce the growth of candida. Just remember to use them in small amounts right after you have had veggies. Otherwise, you can get stomach discomfort and this is the last thing that you need when you are getting rid of the compounds which block your body and prevent it from functioning optimally.
The beverages that you consume are quite important as well. You should limit them to water, vegetable juices and possibly a little bit of citrus fruit juice. You should try to drink at least eight glasses of water per day for best results. After all, it is the most potent natural cleanser. Remember to drink it at room temperature to enhance the process further.
Optimal Duration
How long should you follow the candida cleanse program for? You should try to stick to it for at least three days. If you feel good, you can continue it for another two. People who are more experienced in internal cleansing can follow the program for as many as seven days.
Just keep in mind that this program is suitable for people who do not have any serious health conditions and do not take medication. If you do not feel in top form because you have just had a cold or for another reason, you should postpone the candida cleanse until you feel better. You have to be prepared to make this big change in your daily routine both physically and mentally.
Candida is a type of fungus which is naturally found in the human body. Its full name is . It is part of the intestinal flora and participates in the metabolic processes which take place in the gastrointestinal track. It is also present in the mouth and on the skin, but in much smaller numbers It requires a warm and moist environment to grow just like all other fungi. Its growth is stimulated by a drop in the acidic levels.
This type of fungus grows in two main forms. The more common one is the yeast form. The less frequently occurring one is the hypha form. It is similar to a long and thin branch with multiple small extensions.
It is known that somewhere between 70% and 80% of the people in the world. It is passed from the mother to her child during birth. This is how it ends up in the body. When a person is in optimal health, candida overgrowth is highly unlikely to occur. This is because the pH balance in the body is naturally maintained and the body uses its own internal mechanisms for controlling it along with the other microorganisms found inside.
There are several main causes of candida overgrowth inside the body. Usually, this happens when antibiotics are taken and the level of acidity falls due to the reduced number of lacto bacteria. The other common causes include weakened immune system and diabetes which is not controlled.
There are three types of candida infections caused by overgrowth of the fungus. These are vaginal candidiasis, oropharyngeal candidiasis and invasive candidiasis. When overgrowth occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, it causes imbalance in it and in the entire body.
The presence of candida in the body and the vaginal and mouth infections which it causes are not lethal. Invasive candidiasis can cause death, however. Slightly over one third of the cases are lethal.
There is no clinical or research evidence which proves that candida can cause cancer. However, when overgrowth is present for a longer period of time, the body’s immune system becomes weaker and cells are at greater risk of free radical damage.
Foods with high sugar content cause candida yeast overgrowth. The list includes soft drinks and alcohol plus processed and canned foods. Foods that contain simple carbohydrates can also stimulate increased growth.
The best exercise to reduce candida is cardio exercise. This is because it helps to keep blood sugar levels under control and the release of toxins as well. You can select from various cardio exercise options and follow a precise workout program.
The best diet for candida reduction includes yogurt, vegetables, whole-grain foods and healthy sources of protein and fatty acids. Only healthy cooking methods must be used for best results. It is important for the diet to include three meals and two snacks a day.
The best cleanse for reducing candida includes only vegetables and a little bit of fruit for maintaining optimal blood sugar levels. It involves drinking at least eight glasses of water per day. It should last for at least three days.