How Does It Overgrow and Disbalance Human Body Functioning?

The presence of candida in the human body is natural. This type of yeast is found in the intestinal flora, which is responsible for metabolism. Its growth rate is determined by the surrounding environment and controlled by the human body. When the multiplication of the fungal cells gets out of control, infection occurs in the body. Find out more about the reasons why overgrowth occurs and what the consequences for the body are.
Overgrowth Causes
The most common cause of candida overgrowth is disturbance in the pH balance of the environment which it is present in. The growth rate of the fungus increases when the acidity level drops. The decrease in acidity is typically due to a decline in the population of lacto bacteria. The growth of lacto bacteria is adversely affected by various factors. The main one includes the intake of antibiotics.
There are other major causes of candida overgrowth. One of them is increase in the blood sugar levels. When they are permanently high such as in the case of diabetes, the risk of infection is greater. In some cases, diet rich in sugar can also cause the condition.
The rate of growth of this type of fungus can increase when the immune system is weak. That is why people who suffer from HIV and cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy are at higher risk of developing candida infection (candidiasis). The same applies to people who have undergone bone marrow transplantation.
Types of Infections
When candida overgrowth is present in certain parts of the body, it causes infection. There are three main types of infections caused by this function. Due to the fact that the fungus grows in yeast form, they are commonly known as yeast infections.
Vaginal candidiasis is a condition affecting many women. It can have any of the causes described above. It can also occur during pregnancy. Yeast grows on the vaginal walls and may also spread to the vulva. The symptoms include itching, burning and white vaginal discharge. The first two symptoms can also occur in men when the fungus is passed through sexual intercourse.
Oropharyngeal candidiasis is characterized by white spots on the base of the tongue and on the throat. It is commonly known as thrush. It causes pain during swallowing. Young children and people with impaired immunity are more likely to develop this condition.
Invasive candidiasis is the least common of all three types of candida infections. It occurs when fungal cells enter the bloodstream and reach vital organs of the body like the kidneys, liver and brain. It typically affects only people with severely weakened immune system.
Intestinal Overgrowth and Disbalance
It is not possible for a higher growth of candida in the gastrointestinal tract to cause infection and the consequent serious symptoms. However, this causes disbalance in the intestinal flora and consequently in the entire body. The chemical disbalance makes the cells more vulnerable to attacks from free radicals. The immune system is less effective and the risk of serious medical conditions is higher.
Factors such as healthy diet can help to lower the risk of candida overgrowth and the resulting health problems.


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