What Are the 10 Best Skin Care Remedies Made at Home?

Skin Care

Everyone wants to have a smooth and supple skin which is radiant and perfectly free of imperfections. But can you achieve this without expensive cosmetics? You can readily try the most effective homemade skin care remedies. They are completely natural and safe. They have been proven to work. They are easy to use and cost pennies. Let’s check them out.
Lemon Juice
You do not have to do anything special to prepare this home skin care remedy. You just need to wash a lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out. You should use a small amount of it every day and keep the rest in the fridge. Surprisingly or not, lemon juice can do a lot of things for your skin. It is a natural astringent. It shrinks the pores and can help you get rid of black spots and of the tiny white ones too. It will also make your skin cleaner and firmer. You should apply it with a cotton ball on the face and avoid the eye area.
Oatmeal Mask
This is undoubtedly the best home remedy for getting rid of acne zits. Cook one cup of oatmeal following the instructions on the box and let it cool down to room temperature afterwards. Then mix it with two tablespoons of honey and apply it on your face after cleaning it. Let the mask stay for fifteen minutes and them remove it gently with warm water. Oatmeal has the power to extract skin oil and helps to dry the pimples so that they go away more quickly. Honey, on the other hand, has antibacterial properties so it targets the bacteria which cause acne. Use this treatment once or twice a week.
Coconut Oil
This is one of the top beauty home remedies because it offers very deep hydration while being totally gentle to the skin. You can readily apply it to the face and the eye area to make your skin super supple and amazingly soft. It gets absorbed very quickly so you should not expect to have oil spots. For best results, you should use this remedy before going to bed.
Coffee and Honey Mask
If you want a truly rejuvenating home mask, this one is the best choice. You simply need to mix a quarter of a cup of coffee grounds, which you can find in your coffee machine, and a tablespoon of honey. Both ingredients are full of natural antioxidants which will erase all signs of fatigue, stress and aging from your face. Clean your face, apply the mask and let is stay for fifteen minutes. Then remove it with gentle massaging movements using a little bit of warm water. You will have a fresh and glowing skin afterwards.
Cut two slices of cucumber and place them on your upper eyelids for ten minutes and then on the lower ones for another ten minutes. This is the best home remedy for getting rid of dark circles. It will make the skin around the eyes firmer as well as brighter.
Pineapple and Papaya Exfoliator
Both of these fruits are not only very tasty, but full of natural acids which help to remove the dead cells from the topmost layer of the skin. This is how fine lines, blemishes and even deeper wrinkles are greatly reduced. You will get that fresh and radiant look that you want. To prepare the exfoliator, you simply need to mix equal amounts of pineapple and papaya cubes to fill a cup up to the middle. Then you need to add two tablespoons of brown sugar, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of almond oil. Mash the ingredients together until you get a fine paste Apply the paste on your skin for three minutes and remove it using gentle circular movements. Then you just need to enjoy the great result.
Sugar Scrub
This is the best home remedy for rough skin especially on the elbow and knees. Mix a cup of sugar with half a cup of kosher salt and a quarter of a cup of liquid almond oil to prepare the scrub. Use it while taking a shower when the skin has been softened for best results. Rub it gently against the skin, but not for too long. Then rinse it off. Remember to apply a soothing and hydrating cream afterwards to keep the result. It may go without saying, but this scrub is too strong to be used on the face.
Steam Facial
You just need to boil distilled water, remove it from the stove, pout it into a teapot and add tea, herbs, rose petals or essential oil. Just make sure that the ingredient you chose has benefits for facial care. Basil, for instance, is great for acne treatment while lavender has potent soothing effect. After steeping for about five minutes and having cleaned your face, you need to open the lid and enjoy the steam facial for ten minutes. It is essential to place a sufficiently large towel over your head to ensure that the steam goes directly to your face.
Rose Water
You can make rose water at home by steeping cut petals or using distilled water. There are various recipes which are quite easy to use. The important thing is to use the water when it is at room temperature. This home remedy not only smells divine. It is the ideal soothing agent to use for the face. It will make redness go away. It is amazingly refreshing. It will give your skin natural glow. It is also a mild astringent so it will make your skin slightly firmer.
Baking Soda Soothing Cream
Just mix equal amounts of this magical ingredient and water to make a paste. Apply the paste on an area of the skin which is irritated or inflamed to get a natural soothing effect. You can keep the paste on for as long as necessary. The important thing is not to use it on open wounds even if there are only minor cuts.
Use all of these home remedies for perfectly looking and healthy skin.

What-Are-the-Top-10-Best-Homemade-Nail-Care-RemediesIt is perfectly possible to get the high-profile nail care that you require at home. There is a natural home remedy to deal with any problem that you experience from discoloration to brittleness. The treatments can also help to prevent such issues. Check out the most potent homemade nail care remedies. Some of them can be used directly while the others are extremely easy and quick to make.
Olive Oil
This is the best natural moisturizer for nails and the thicker skin around them. You need to get a small amount of the lightest olive oil that you can find. Before you go to bed, you need to massage it into each nail including the cuticle and the skin area surrounding the nail. Since the nails will be slightly oily after the treatment, it is best to put sleeping gloves on for maximum comfort and peace of mind. The gloves will help for the better absorption of the moisturizer as well. On the next morning, you will have stronger nails with beautiful natural glow. Use this moisturizing treatment once a week.
Whether you prepare it at home or buy it from an organic shop, you will find this home remedy ideal for softening the cuticles and the skin around the nails. It will also help them keep their natural shine and pink color. Just dip your fingers in a bowl of rose oil before cutting and shaping your nails and you will feel its remedial effect almost instantly. Keep your fingers soaked for five minutes in order to enjoy the best results.
Almond Oil
This is one of the best natural sources of biotin, also known as vitamin H. This vitamin has been proven to strengthen the nails and hair. It helps to prevent and treat brittleness. You can massage your nails with almond oil once a week and let it stay overnight by wearing gloves. Additionally, you can increase your consumption of almonds. They have a variety of other health benefits while being a great snack.
Lemon Juice
This fantastic natural remedy helps to remove all kinds of stains from nails while giving them a natural shine. If you have strong nails, you can apply a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice directly to them with a cotton pad. If there is a need for protecting and nourishing your nails as well, you should mix equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil and bring the mixture to boil. Let it cool and soak your fingers in it for ten minutes. Dry them afterwards. In either variant, lemon juice should be used weekly for best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This nail care remedy is amazingly potent while being found in practically every home. You can buy it cheaply in any supermarket. It is rich in a variety of compounds which are good for the nails. The list includes biotin, vitamin C and iron. Just by soaking your nails in apple cider vinegar for about five to ten minutes, you can make them stronger. You will no longer have to worry about brittleness. This remedy helps to restore the natural color and shine of nails too. It is truly invaluable.
Horsetail Tea
This natural remedy is rich in various vitamins and minerals which help to strengthen nails including calcium. You can readily put one spoon of dried horsetail into one cup of water that you have just boiled and steep for seven minutes. You can soak your fingernails into the tea after it cools down to room temperature or drink it. In both cases, you will enjoy a beneficial effect. By drinking the tea, however, you may get other health benefits from it too.
Baking Soda
If you have left your nail polish on for a long time, it might have caused yellow stains on the surface of your nails. Gladly, these are easily removed with baking soda. Mix it with a little bit of water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the yellow spots and leave it there for ten minutes. Do not rub the paste into the spots. Wash it off in the end. Use this treatment again if necessary.
Nourishing Salt Bath
Add a sufficient amount of warm water for soaking your fingernails in a bowl. Then add a teaspoon of Dead Sea salt. This particular salt contains zinc, calcium and other minerals which help to strengthen the nails. You should also add a few drops of vitamin E oil which is also quite nourishing. Soak your fingers for fifteen minutes for getting the strength, smoothness and shine which you have always wanted. If you want to turn this treatment into true spa pampering, you can add a drop or two of aromatherapy essential oil. Lavender brings relaxation while rosemary is invigorating.
Tea Tree Oil
If you want effective anti-fungal meditation, this one is the top choice. Tea tree oil fights nail fungus helping you to achieve the strength and beauty that you have always desired. For best results, it should be applied twice a day. Use it in the morning and then in the evening. Make sure that it stays on your nails for half an hour. Then remove any remaining oil using soft dry cloth. Before you use this remedy, you should consult your doctor just to be on the safe side.
Tomato Juice
This is juice has all the right vitamins for your fingernails. It is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the shine of the nails. Vitamin A helps to make them stronger and more resistant to breaking. Vitamin E and biotin have similar effects. All of these vitamins are great for your whole body as well as for your nails. That is why you will benefit from drinking a glass of tomato juice every day. Just make sure that it is not sweetened to avoid adding too many extra calories to your daily intake.
As long as you follow the recommendations for preparing and using these home remedies, you will get the best results in the shortest time.